Dileep Kumar
19 min readDec 2, 2023


Who was Nitya?

Who was Nitya?

Some extraordinary incidents happen in the lives of many people, which we often ignore, but there are some incidents which remain in our hearts and minds and are remembered throughout our lives.

Today I am sharing with you a story whose main character is Nitya who lives with her two children. Her elder daughter is Shruti who is very intelligent and younger daughter is Ananta who is very mischievous.

One day Shruti insists Mom! Please tell us a scary story. At first Nitya forbids the children to listen to a scary story, but due to the children’s persistent insistence, Nitya agrees to narrate a story.
Okay children, today I will tell you the story of Uday and Nitya. Then Ananta says Mom! your name is also Nitya and Papa’s name was Uday.
Nitya has tears in her eyes because her husband Uday Kapoor is no more in this world.
Nitya says yes children, but this story is not mine, now both of you listen to the story quietly.
Nitya asks to their children, It’s night! won’t you be afraid? Both the children tell mother no mom! we will not be afraid.

Well listen. Uday comes to a new house in Delhi with his mother and his father who works in Dubai, hence his father was rarely with him and sometimes he used to come for barely one or two days in a month.
Uday gets enrolled in a new school in Delhi, although Uday is very playful and very fond of his mother, Who loves his mother very much and cares about her a lot but often hides small incidents from her so that she does not get upset. Uday is admitted to the sixth class in St. Xavier’s School. Which was just 1 kilometer from his house. It is very far away in which there are total 12 floors and around 5000 children were studying there. It has total 9 floor. Uday class was on the seventh floor.

Today! Uday first day was in his new school and He soon befriends new classmates Naval! With whom he becomes close friends who tells him all the old and new things about the school.
One day during lunch in school, when all the children are having their lunch, Uday goes for a walk on the upper floor. When he reaches floor 9, he hears someone coming towards him.

"Floor 9" Door

When he moves towards the a class, the sound slows down but he still starts moving there, after some time a voice comes to his ears: Go from here, go now! But his curiosity increases as to who was telling him to go. Now he starts moving further and then suddenly the bell rings and he has to go to his class but his curiosity is to know whose voice it was. Which was stopping me from going ahead.

The next day in class he asks his friend Naval why classes are not held in 9th floor? Then Nawal tells him that he was in the same floor in last year but in October, a girl had fallen and died from there, since then all the classes on that floor are not held.
Oh! Who was she? Uday asks to Naval.
Naval says that her name was Nitya. she was a very nice girl.

Friend! My mom forbids me not to go there. All teachers also, forbid us that no one should go up there. listen Uday! Please, Friend don’t go there either But Uday’s curiosity increases further as to whose voice he had heard.
Then Shilpa ma’am comes to the class. She teaches Geography to the children and then Uday starts asking her about 9th floor. Ma’am! Please tell me about floor 9 and why classes are running there? Shilpa Ma’am loved children very much. She was a woman with a generous heart. She did not have children.

She says Uday! Dear Son! you are new in this school, School Management is forbidden to go there, there was an incident happened last year, that’s why all the classes there are not going on because some children have had problems to go there on last year so Principal Ma’am announced nobody will go up there and School management has banned the all classes there.

So Dear son! That was not such a small thing, now no one will discuss it. By saying this, Shilpa ma’am becomes quiet and gets lost for some time. Uday suspects that there is something else which ma’am is talking about to the children.

Well! no problem, I will find out everything.
When lunch time starts, he again goes towards floor 9 But today he hears a sound of walking was coming there.

Suddenly there had been silence all around and after a moment he hears the sound of someone coming towards him so he hides under the bench himself. Then a soft voice comes to his ears that I had forbidden you not to come here, still you have come, now you are in danger, run away from here right now.
But he pokes his head out from the bench, he sees a woman standing with long hair, then his eyes fall on her feet, her toe nails are very big like some kind of animal, now he feels a little scared because such things he had never seen his life before and when he tries to run away.

A strange woman

The woman runs him and pulls his leg while running. She pushes him and from same floor towards ground floor.
Now Uday feels that he will not more but suddenly someone from the 4th floor grabs his hands. Due to which he gets hurt less when he falls down.

Now, There had been a noisy atmosphere in the entire school, all the teachers calm down the children of their classes and it is lovingly explained to everyone that this is a normal incident and the building above had been so weak due so school management forbidden to go there.
Now school the management and all teachers are surprised that Uday gets a normal injury.
Principal ma’am calls Uday’s mother and tells her to take him home and suspend him for 7 days for rule violation and He could be re-join until he recovers.
Now Uday was sitting alone in his room in deep thought, his curiosity to know was not over yet. He wonders what happened with him on yesterday?
Uday’s mother was very upset, so Uday tells his mother that What has happened today it will be not happen in future.
Night falls and he goes to sleep, but then he feels something next to him as someone is lying next to him but he ignore that and he keeps thinking about the same incident throughout the night. As who was that woman on 9th floor suddenly his mother tells him that Dear son, there is milk on the table, drink it and sleep, but when he looks at the table, there is nothing on the table, then his eyes look at him. When he sits on the table next to him, a glass of milk was there. Now, he thinks for a while, after he drinks the milk and goes to sleep.

Next morning when wakes up. he sees that his books and notebooks are scattered nowhere and his mother was scolding him that what have you done on last night then Uday says that mom! I have not done all this.
His mom was so angry and again she was scolding him
You Didn’t do this then I did it.

His mother says Look Uday, don’t bother me, your father is not here, don’t bother me and Now collect all this quickly and put it in your bag.
Uday thinks a moment then he says yes mom! I was searching for one of notebook please Sorry Mom for I have done all this, I will make everything right, don’t worry.
Uday gets very worried about what was going with him.
Next Morning he goes to his garden and for walking and He was thinking that how to find out what is happening to him.
Then he gets a little nervous when the swing starts moving up and down on its own. He thinks himself that I should take rest.

Uday comes back to his room and tells his mother.
Mom, I have to rest, I am going to my room now. His mother says okay dear go.

Now after coming inside my room, He kept thinking about the same incident again.
Suddenly his eyes fall on the door which he had kept open, it gets closed, he calls out, Mom! Are you there? When gets no answer, then he calls again, Mom! Are you out of door?

But he doesn’t get any answer. Now he calls again, ‘Who is there?’ After remaining silent for some time.
Uday asked again!
“Are you Nitya?” But he doesn’t get still no answer.
Now he gets little worried, then he hears a slight tingling sensation in his ears as if someone is nearby, he understands that there is someone else here.
He calls out again, “I know.” It’s always you Nitya!
After some time, the sound of a girl laughing is heard, now his doubt turns into confidence that it is none other than Nitya who probably wants to say something to me.
Uday again says that you can trust me, I will not tell anything to anyone and maybe I can help you.

Suddenly he hears crying voice and again Uday says trust me friend! I will help you. After some time he hears a voice saying

that Uday you are very good but no one can help me, not even you can.
Uday says that you trust me, I will definitely help you, trust me, then a very cute little girl comes in front of him.


Uday was surprise to see here in front in front of him.
He says you are very cute, Can I be friends now?
Nitya says I also want a friend like you who is ready to help others. Uday says you tell your story so that I can help you.
After remaining quiet for some time, the she says.
Yes, I am Nitya and for almost a year, I was kept trying to connect with many children but no one could feel me.
I am under someone’s control, I cannot take her name. She took my life because I had known her secret, hence She killed me. You will have to find out yourself. Yes, but this is not right for you because the closer you get to her, the more dangerous it is for you. I will help you indirectly. Whenever you need my help, you will find me near you, but that I won’t be able to save you, now think about it, will you still help me?

Uday says of course I will help you. First of all tell she has also died?
Nitya replies, Yes she has dead?

Uday says, Ok let me think of an idea. But I won’t be able to tell anything about it myself.
The days of his suspension are over so Uday goes to school from next day and tries to get information from Naval but all he gets to know is that there was a ma’am she had died in the school on last year too.
At night he was very worried about where he will get the rest of the information, then Nitya comes to him and says that you are very worried, I am sure you will be successful but take care of yourself, you can take the help of Shilpa Madam.

Uday says that I didn’t even think that I will definitely meet her tomorrow then his mother comes and says whom with are you talking?
Uday replies to her mother, no Mom! I was just reciting school homework, She said! you go to sleep early night.

Good night mom!
Uday also falls asleep early night.
Next morning he goes to Shilpa Ma’am in the school and tries to ask her then he comes to know that one year ago in the school there was a Kavita Joshi Ma’am whom the children were very scared of because she was very strict.

Sometimes she used to quarrel with the school staff too. One day she came to school very sad and it was looking she was drunk but Later it was found out that she had consumed poison and had passed out in school.

Uday says that Oh! It was bad happened then he says to her Thank you very much for sharing all the things with me, I will not ask you anything else, just tell me one thing more she has any relative?

I don’t remember well, maybe her husband, Yes Mr Anirudh Joshi and he works in SBI Bank in Mumbai.

Uday thanks her ma’am and leaves from there.
Now at night he is thinking what to do next then Nitya comes there and praises him and she says that you have done a good job today, you have even known her name, the reason for my death is also the same.
Uday says now I have to go to Mumbai but I was thinking how else can I go leaving my mother alone and what will give her excuse for. Well I will find a way you don’t worry.
Nitya says will you be able to go? Uday says yes, we will have to go.

Nitya says I know you will find some way I am sure. Ok friend now go to take rest good night.
But Uday still keeps thinking the whole night what to do next?
During the day he thinks of a way and he goes to his mother and says to her mother, Mom! My friend is Naval, he is going to Mumbai and he has also asked me to come, it is a two-day tour, I was to go too.
Her mother refuse to go and she says dear, we will go in June, your father will be on leave then
But when Uday insists her. His mother refuses again but Due repetition by her son she says okay wait for moment. After thinking a lot, she agrees but puts the condition that she has to talk to Naval’s parents first then she will give him permission to go out.
Now Uday talks to Naval on call and tell to him to say his mother according to him. But, Naval says that I am not going to says as you telling me.
But, At Last Naval gives agreement that he will say according to him.
Now Naval talks on call with his mother calls and takes permission to go with them but Uday’s mother asks him? Son! Where are your parents?” Naval says that they have just gone out and I want to tell you. They have said that, I would say to you that you should not worry, We will take care.

Finally, Uday’s mother granted him to go with them.

The next day Uday leaves his room with his packing and catches the train. He has come out of the house alone for the first time but he completes his journey very intelligent and fearless.

When he reaches the station but without taking breakfast He decides to go early to bank.
He has reached bank at 9 o clock morning but bank was not open that time so he decides to take some breakfast.
He goes to nearest a restaurant and order samosas. suddenly he notices that he had taken two samosas and he ate only one so where did the other one go?
Then he hears Nitya laughing and he sees Nitya next to him.
Nitya says to him I thought you may my need so I have come to help you.
Only you can see me and no one else can.
Uday says ok! Now it is 10 o’clock and Anirudh Joshi must have come out now so I am leaving now.
He keeps asking all the visitors, then the bank guard indicates to him that he is Anirudh Joshi and Uday calls Anirudh Joshi Sir!
Anirudh Joshi says, Yes I am Anirudh Joshi, tell me what is the work dear child and what can I help you?
Uday tells him I study in the same school where Kavita ma’am used to teach. I wanted to ask you something about her.

Anirudh Joshi says that son, we can talk only if will be free to my work so we can meet again at 4 o’ clock evening.
Uday says no problem sir I will come to meet you at 4 o clock in evening! Saying this, Anirudh leaves from there.
Now Nitya comes to him and tells Uday that Kavita ma’am same women who had pushed me from the terrace now I can feel that she cannot hear me here.
She was a very hard-hearted woman. She used to punish us children for small things. She would die after a few days. She used to harass many children upstairs. One day I went to the upper class, it was lunch time. When I saw her, she was looking very scary, but when I looked into her eyes, I thought she was probably asking for my help.
I ran towards the terrace and was about to scream when he pushed me and I died. Now, I think until her soul finds peace, she will keep wandering there and so I will also like here.

Uday keeps looking at Nitya very carefully and says that if everything goes well then you will also leave from here forever.
Nitya says I don’t know. It may be possible.

It’s 4 clock in the evening so Uday tells Nitya that he should go now.

When Uday reached the bank, Anirudh Joshi was waiting for him outside. Uday tells him sorry for waiting and asks can he give me the information now.
Anirudh Joshi says that my house is nearby, let’s sit and talk.
Uday says ok sir. Both of them leave from there for home. Anirudh Joshi asks Uday whether he would like tea or coffee.
Uday gets ready for coffee. Anirudh brings biscuits and coffee for him. Uday eats the biscuit and He begins to ask about ma’am. He puts a question, she was ill?
Just then Anirudh asks Uday to take coffee first then Nitya comes there and tells him not to drink coffee, it has poison.
Uday thinks for a moment and then refuses to have coffee. Anirudh Joshi tells to Uday has seen him putting poison in the coffee.
Anirudh Joshi adds more that you are very intelligent, we should not take anything to strangers or outside, Well no problem and then Joshi hits Uday hard on the head and ties Uday and takes him to the store room and says to Uday that yes I have killed my wife and I was given her slow poison so that she could die, but today after so many days someone has come to me for her.

Now I will have to kill you too so tonight I will kill you too.

After some time, Anirudh Joshi leaves from there, then Nitya comes and says to him let’s move first here now. Uday says to her we have to bring him to Delhi with us But how ?
Nitya repeats Now let’s leave from here. Nitya unties Uday’s rope and both of them leave from there.
Nitya says what to do now?
Uday says we have to take someone’s help, maybe police.
Nitya says to him whatever you feel is right.
Uday comes to the police station and tells everything to the police inspector But the police do not believe him and start inquiring about Uday about Uday who are you where are your parents but Uday makes fool the police and comes out.
Uday had became worried. Nitya says we will get a way soon.

Group of thieves

Then a group of thieves come there. in which Gopal is their boss who asks them what are you doing? Give me your all me right now. Then Uday says I will give money but you all have to a work for me but they tells first money.
Okay first tell me that how can we help you.
Uday says you all have shifted a men to Delhi on a location at tomorrow night?
Gopal told him that if he paid Rs 4 lakh as advance money then we would do the work for him in which if he had to take the man to Delhi then he would have to pay another Rs 1 lakh fort he transportation charges, thus A total amount of Rs 5 will have to be paid for this task.

Uday agrees for his proposal and gives his mobile number then he leaves from there.
Now Uday is unable to understand where he got the money from? Then Nitya comes and says that I can solve this problem but it will not be that easy.
Uday says still how will we get so much money.
Nitya says I knew we will need money so I have seen a place where we will get a lot of money but it is very dangerous.
Uday says that since we have done so much, we will do that too.
Nitya would have said ok let’s go now.
Nitya brings Uday to a ruin which was the den of some thieves. Uday says where is the money? Nitya says don’t make noise, whatever we have to do we have to do it peacefully. Uday says okay, now tell me where is the money? Nitya asks to open the boxes kept there.
When Uday opened a box, he was surprised to see that the box was full of money and jewellery, then he opened all the boxes one by one. All were filled with money and jewellery.

Uday kept all the boxes in a pit and covered it with leaves and stones and took out more than Rs 10 lakh from it.

Then he hears someone coming and Uday hides. There one of those thieves is a thief. The thief, seeing the boxes missing there, raises an alarm due to which everyone gathers there. Uday tries to escape but is caught. Uday is interrogated about those boxes but when Uday doesn’t tell them anything, a thief takes out a knife to kill him.

Uday gets scared then Nitya whispers in his ear that you can defeat them, just bring courage within yourself and Nitya’s spirit gets absorbed in Uday and Uday starts picking up everyone and throwing them down.
All the thieves think that Uday is a ghost and run away to save their lives.
Nitya comes out from there and congratulates Uday.
Uday can’t believe that he fought and chased away so many people like in the movies.

Now both return from there. Then Uday would call Gopal that he would give him 2.5 lakh advance in the morning and the remaining 2.5 lakh after the work was completed. Gopal agrees with Uday.

Early in the morning, Uday gives money to Gopal and says that now he will meet him in Delhi only after the work is completed

but as proof he will have to show a photograph of the man at a place.

When Uday arrives on his home, his mother scolds him severely and hugs him. His mother scolds him a lot for lying.

Uday’s mother says I met Naval and his parents, now tell me where were you?

Uday says Mom! if I had told the truth, you would not have let me go. I had to participate in a competition in which I would get Rs 5 lakh for winning. So I thought that if ever the need arises, I should also stand on my own feet. Saying this, Uday places Rs 5 lakh in his mother’s hand.
Uday’s mother thinks that her son has become very capable but Uday was very sad after lying again to his mother.

On the other scene, Gopal also reaches Delhi with Anirudh Joshi and calls Uday. Uday asks Gopal to drop him at the 9th floor of the school and meet him outside the school at 12 clock in the night.
Gopal does the same and Uday gives him the remaining money.

When he reaches school the next day, he sees the police bringing out Joshi’s body and school is dismissed that day.

Uday is sitting sad on the swing in his park when Nitya comes there and says that ma’am’s soul has found peace and so have I.
Uday gets emotional yet happily bids farewell to Nitya.

Gradually, with time, Uday turns 22, but the memories of Nitya remain in his mind, which he has not been able to forget till now.
Uday was trying very hard to get a good job but he was not getting success.
On the other hand, his mother was insisting again and again.
Uday did not want to get married, so every time he avoided the matter by saying that he had to stand on his own feet and do something in life. I will tell you about this later
Due to lack of success in his job, he now thinks of starting anh business.
Then he remembers his hidden money and again comes to Mumbai in the same ruins on the pretext of a job interview with his mother.
All the money hidden by him was still safe. He is very happy and remembering Nitya, he thanks her.

He starts counting all the money which is approximately 10 crores.
He brings that money little by little to Delhi and hides the jewelery there.
One day he comes to Mumbai again to bring back the jewellery.
He keeps some jewelery in his three different luggages and boards the train.
Now again he is thinking about old things, whatever he did for Nitya, she did more for me.
Just then a girl comes and sits near his seat.
Who keeps staring at Uday, Uday says why are you looking at me like this?
She says if you give me some space then my mother will also be able to sit here.
I called you several times but you were deep in thought.
Uday apologizes to them for not paying attention.
His mother says stop now Nitya, he seems upset.
Uday says what did you say Nitya?
The girl says My name is Nitya. Do you have any problem in my name?
Uday says not at all, I had a friend, now she is not with us and She was very close to me, that’s why I was shocked.

Nitya falls in love with Uday at that very moment after hearing this. Throughout the journey, Uday has a lot of conversation with her and gradually he starts liking her.
They meet again several times and later both get married.
Nitya! ( Storyteller)…
Children the story of Uday and Nitya was not over yet but both the children were asleep now.

Dileep Kumar Singh

Read more…https://www.britannica.com/art/horror-story



Dileep Kumar

I am a story writer, also I am working data entry work, resume maker, Content writer and other writing works.